My Second Favorite Bathroom in Indy

The latest (and contender for greatest) of the Indy art galleries you should definitely know about. 

Written by Esther Hale

My second favorite bathroom in Indy, which is probably first in terms of aesthetics, is located just around the corner of College and 34th. While I was incredibly impressed by the marble washbasin and extensive plant collection, the bathroom is actually not the main subject of this story. The reason I even had the pleasure of using that immaculate lavatory was because I was attending an opening reception of the Storage Space Gallery, run by the enigmatic Brett Lehter. 

The Storage Space Gallery surprised me, and warrants an entire article (and as much publicity as I can give it), for being perhaps the most real gathering of art and artists I have experienced in the great city of Indianapolis. Not that other receptions and galleries lacked any excitement or authenticity, but this small space, literally some guy’s garage, leveled the playing field in a way more established institutions simply have not. The intimate space, with honor systems and local dj’s and a FABULOUS bathroom lent to the public in the gallerist’s own home, created an atmosphere of joy, camaraderie, and pure passion for art. No social barriers between art and art lovers, no red tape between collector and collected, but a truly open and communal space of art for art’s sake. 

It reminded me of stories friends have told me of “the good old days” when rules were flexible and quasi-bureaucratic etiquette didn’t matter to artists. Somebody simply dedicated their personal resources to the community of Indianapolis, with enthusiasm and trust that the people attracted to such an opportunity would reciprocate. Homes are sacred spaces, and this space oozes a particular creative dedication in its simple white walls filled with art of all shapes, types, and sizes. 

I am grateful to humans like Brett who create such vibrant opportunities to gather around art, and I feel truly inspired to do the same. All artistic endeavors require passion and connection in order to succeed, and I am truly inspired by the Storage Space Gallery. Art gathers people together. Creative expression is a gift, and we are blessed to receive it in such raw capacity. 

The next 3rd Friday, mark your calendar and keep an eye out for information about the Storage Space Gallery. I know it will not disappoint. 

Follow Storage Space Gallery on Instagram: @storagespaceindy

And be sure to stop by: 121 E 34th St, Indianapolis IN


Psychogeography and the LSG